Friday, January 9, 2009

Conor's First Christmas!

Yes, I am woefully behind on pictures and posting. The problem is that my mom let me borrow her laptop so now every time I want to check my email I can do it WHILE I AM WATCHING TV! Its not bad and lazy, its multi-tasking! So I haven't been in our office where the pictures are any time recently. But, because you all want to see the adorable boy on his very first Christmas, I present to you the following:

Cute as a button in a Christmas bib, over Christmas Jammies, surrounded by Christmas presents. He was not at all interested in the presents. I had thought that he mind find some interest in the ribbons and bows and wrapping paper but no. Next year, perhaps?

He loved gnawing on the new bath toys through the mesh bag.
Playing with his new tractor/book with Papa. His two favorite things, books and wheels, combined. YES!

Oh and did I mention that Morgan made Conor the coolest present EVER? About 6 weeks ago Morgan decided he wanted Conor to have a toy box. This came after stepping on his toys (REPEATEDLY) in the playroom because we are running out of toy storage space. So, he draws out this dump truck on a piece of paper, goes to Home Depot to buy wood and nails and other manly items and on Christmas Eve this appeared!

Conor can sit inside, the bed fills up with toys (it will have a dump feature in the future, I'm told), and the wheels actually spin. And this is all from Morgan's imagination and a couple weekends of hard work! And don't you love the colors of the letters and their spacing? Don't you just think it makes the whole truck come together? That was my contribution. Morgan told me that I could choose the colors but when I told him what colors I wanted, I was told I could do the letters. Oh well!

Special thanks to Keenan for ALL of his help with this project. Morgan was sick with the flu on Christmas Eve and without Keenan here to help, it would have never been finished in time.

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